Das sagen die PRofis
Professionelle Nutzer und Applicators verwenden seit Jahren Cerakote-Keramikbeschichtungen. Als wir uns entschieden haben, unser Wissen der letzten Jahrzehnte in eine Produktlinie für die Autorestaurierung einfließen zu lassen, haben wir sie so entwickelt das sie nicht nur den höchsten Profi-Ansprüchen gerecht wird, sondern auch praktisch von Jedermann nutzbar sind. Entstanden ist die Produktserie Auto & Home und gehört mittlerweile in den USA zu den meistverkauften Produkten ihrer Art.
I take an enormous amount of pride in the chemicals we sell at Griot’s Garage. Until now, we have been responsible for formulating, mixing, bottling, and distributing them all under one roof. That’s why we’re so proud of our new ceramic products.
While our approach will continue as long as I have breath in my body, we realized we would need a partner in order to take our ceramics to a level the automotive industry had never seen. Enter Cerakote® Ceramics.
This US-based manufacturer is the leading name in the firearm industry for innovative polymer resins that prevent metal components from oxidizing. Like Griot’s, they’re invested in manufacturing their own products. They make ceramic resins in the world’s only continuous reaction plant in White City, OR, and their technology is featured in our new Trim Wipe and Headlight Restoration Kits.
Rest assured, this partnership will change the ceramic industry in the near future and if it meets my high standards, it will assuredly meet, and hopefully exceed, yours.
You have my word on it.
— Richard Griot, Griot's Garage

As automotive enthusiasts we all know hazy, cloudy headlights are ugly and annoying, we also know that replacements can be extremely expensive. The Cerakote Automotive, easy, 3 step ceramic headlight restoration kit solves all of these problems. Having wet sanded and polished my fair share of old headlights, this kit makes the process SO much easier. If you can wipe on and wipe off, you can renew your headlights saving both time and money.
Step 1: wipe down a cleaned headlight, done.
Step 2: wet sanding with the provided sandpaper, done.
Step 3: use the ceramic coat wipe to renew and protect the newly sanded smooth and cleaned headlight, done and done.
The results speak for themselves. All of the provided materials and step by step instructions take the guesswork out of restoring your old, ugly, hazy headlights. Leaving you a result that just may out shine the rest of your car!
— Joe from Hawkeye Skunk Works
As a professional auto detailer who has been in the industry for the past 8 years, I can honestly say I haven't ever used a headlight restoration kit like this one. For years I have actually steered detailers away from retail grade headlight restoration kits because they promise incredible results, but often leave people disappointed and wanting their money back. The Cerakote headlight restoration kit is an all in one restoration that allows even do it yourself detailers to fix foggy headlights without having expensive power tools. Finally a kit that fixes the underlying problem instead of temporarily addressing the symptom."
– Luke Wilson, YouTube Automotive Detailing Influencer

Having been a professional classic car restorer for 29 years, I have tried just about every product designed to bring back the rich, dark color of newly molded plastics and trim. Although my truck is 13 years old, I try to keep it looking new. The one area that has always challenged me is the plastic trim.....until now. I used Cerakote Trim Coat on my mirrors, running boards, door handles, and bed rails. I noticed the transformation immediately after applying the product, which is as easy as wiping it on. Not only does the trim look new, the bugs and road grime are a breeze to clean off of those surfaces. I occasionally take my F-350 to the big rig wash, where they use a high pressure wand to wash my rig. After several washes, the Cerakote Trim Coat looks like the day I applied it! This is hands down, the best product on the market!
— Ken Mann
In my thirty plus years of professional detailing there are only two products I've seen introduced that qualify as game changers.The advent of detailing clay rewrote the book on paint surface decontamination. Cerakote plastic restorer represents a fundamental shift in the restoration and preservation of vehicle plastics and vinyl.I am now able to restore plastic components that previously had to languish because silicone based products would run off and streak windows and paint. For example roof racks, door handles, cowl plastics and anything you care to dress on a Jeep Wrangler.Cerakote plastic restorer imparts a deep rich shine to the most faded plastics, usually in one application (wait 15 minutes to apply a second coat) That my shop confidently warrants for two years. the product is easy to apply, leaves a streak free finish with no oily residues and is impervious to rain, solvents, alkaline cleaners and U.V. My shop has a policy of offering a plastics restoration package with every detail. It's an easy sell that has increased my profitability and goodwill with my clients.Cerakote plastic restorer is truly a groundbreaking product! Thank You Cerakote!
— Tim Wylie

I have used many trim dressing products in the past, always to be left disappointed when I wash the car and the dressing fell off. Cerakote Trim Coat has been an easy to apply coating that has held up well to the abuse, and is a product I will be using for years to come.
— Devin Niemela, Automotive YouTube Influencer